Monthly Marketing Report


  • Canva
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Microsoft Powerpoint


  • Design Principles
  • Branding
  • Data Analysis

Project background

Every month I have to produce a marketing report that summarizes what the Greater New York division has achieved throughout the month. The report goes over things such as the amount of traffic each website property of The Salvation Army gets, the amount of engagement and reach each social media platform gets, performance of public relations and outreach, and how well our rental properties are doing.

This report is created using Canva, Microsoft Excel, Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager, and Microsoft PowerPoint. Here is what each of those programs are used for:

Used to design slides

Used to compile data from Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and Social Media platforms to create charts, pivot tables, and analyze data to produce insights

Used to make final touches to the presentation after being downloaded from Canva

Used to gather data such as website traffic, user behavior, user journey, source of traffic, etc.

Marketing reports

January Marketing Report

View Report

December Marketing Report

View Report

November Marketing Report

View Report

October Marketing

View Report